YOU KNOW THAT MOMENT when you write something or learn an easy part on the piano and you’re just re-reading it over and over and over and over? THAT’S BASICALLY JERKING OFF MENTALLY. STOP DOING IT.
Looking at yourself in a mirror is the same thing!!!
A scale of uncommon addictions from more mental to more physical:
- Daydreaming
- Mirrors
- News
- Music
- Internet Browsing
- Social Media
- Video Gaming
- Pornography
- Coffee
- Tea
- Alcohol
- Television
I am not sure what would happen if someone had literally nothing to do. Like you literally eliminated all these addictions. Maybe they would just stare at the floor? I hope to reach that level of inspiration and focus.
Random: It is only in moments of intense danger that I feel calm. Otherwise I feel myself bouncing between frivolities. But I think it is unwise to seek danger.